Sotolf's thoughts and oddities


I do really like to play games, quite a lot, it’s a nice way to wind down from a hard day of work. The kind of games that I really do enjoy though, have shifted through the years.

I’ve always been mainly a handheld games person, I used to play a bit of PC games but mostly I’ve been on handhelds, here is the list of consoles that I’ve had/have:

Up until the 3DS because of the systems that I’ve had, I’ve been playing mostly AAA games, but as I played on the 3DS and Switch my gaming also moved over to be mostly indie games, so queue the meme:

I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less, and I’m not kidding.

  • Jordan Mallory

And I think there is really something to it. I do like games that are a bit shorter so there is actually a chance that I will finish them, I also like that indie games mostly dare to be a bit different, have a story that is a bit less by the numbers, and since I’m kind of getting to be an old fart now, the graphics aren’t really something that I focus on in a game, I want them to be decently pretty, but photorealism isn’t really something that I care about at all.

I don’t really have the time that I used to have to play games, so I mostly don’t really play the games for that long at all before I do something else, so I have a lot of long game that I’ve basically just started, and never really got that far in, then when I come back to them I usually forget where I am, and start them from the beginning anyway. When a game is shorter (10-20 hours) I will usually actually play through it. Of course there are a lot of things here, something round based like a rogue-lite/like is something I often return to just because the rounds usually are short enough that I can play one in a single session.

Indie games also seems to take more chances than the huge AAAs, and it’s nice, I don’t really want to play Assassin’s creed 345, but something that feels fresh and different. Maybe something that plays around with an idea that doesn’t hold up for a 40 hour game, but is really fun for 10 hours.

The pricing of course helps a lot too, I like not having to pay 70€ for a game that I don’t know that I will love, it feels way better to pay 10 for a game that I know is short, and I can have fun for the little time that I play it.

For my switch games I do have a list here that I try to keep reasonably up to date with the games that I have, so if you’re curious as to what I like in games, that’s probably a pretty good place to look.