Sotolf's thoughts and oddities

Programming Batteries

I do like to play around with languages, and I think that “batteries included” really is an important thing, most languages have at least basic data-structures, like some kind of an array list, a hash map and so on, which is already quite good, but I feel like a language has to be comfortable to use out of the box.

You could say that most languages are like this, but there are some like rust which is a decently modern language, and still it’s a pain to deal with errors without downloading some external package, and then when you do get something like anyhow, are you sure that that is the one you should use or should you use one of the other ones that people are telling you about.

It feels kind of weird to me that this would be a controversial opinion, but it seems to be, so many people seem to have no problems with adding a dependency to the project that adds another 100 Mb to the project, it just feels wrong to me. But then again, maybe I’m the weird one.