Soul and Frustration
Now soul is kind of a contatious word for me, being a non-religious person and all, but I’m not quite sure if I have a better word for the enjoyment or feeling that one get from a piece of art or an article that really connects for some or other reason.
I’ve always been really bad at describing things, feelings, taste, things in general. But here we go, frustrating that today was the day that what I was thinking about more or less exactly that.
Some pieces of art or crafts are special, even though they may be something others look at as “low brow” or pedestrian, but that doesn’t matter if they have some kind of core that really connects. I like classical music as much as the other guy, but some times exactly what I need is an overly energetic bouncy Happy Hardcore anthem.
Then other times, like when I read a text written by an LLM, or some other text that many likes, my eyes just glaze over, and it’s hard to find some way to really care about it. Clearly it has it’s qualities, but it just doesn’t connect. And well that’s just how it is I guess, not everything is for everyone. And not everything is for the same person even, some times we’re up for something complex and fascinating new, some other time vanilla just does the trick.
Not to say that everything that is generated is per se soulless though, I have solved a lot of, sudoku puzzles, like a looot of them, I’ve been solving for almost two decades now, and generated puzzles are some times a thing that gets looked down upon by many, but with a good generator, and good curation, I’ve solved some really fun and satisfying puzzles that have been generated. The thing is not the source, but there is something else there, that I can find value in.
So here comes the frustration, what is this soul, what is that little extra that some pieces of craftwork and art has that makes them special? I certainly don’t know, and probably most of us don’t know, we just some times find something that has it. So well, let’s enjoy the soulful happy things that we find, no matter where we find them and what they are.
But time to cut this short, as I feel I’m starting to ramble. here’s to you and me finding something soulful to enjoy, cheers.